Firefighter Dumpsters
Firefighter Dumpsters® is an American company dedicated to serving the community just as the name suggests. Founded by two firefighters and their business partner, Firefighter Dumpsters® offers a unique franchise opportunity that brings together customers with disposal needs with a solution serving a greater cause.
Let’s face it, a dumpster is a commodity item. Basically, it’s a metal box where trash is deposited and then dumped. And, there are lots of companies providing dumpster to communities all over the country. However, Firefighter Dumpsters® is different. Firefighters are honest, dependable, smart and most importantly, problem solvers. A dumpster may be just a metal box but when needed, they are incredibly valuable. Business and personal plans can be greatly disrupted when a dumpster is not delivered when and where promised. This if the Firefighter Dumpster difference.
Contact Us For Franchising Opportunities Today
Phone: 1-833-833-7400 (call or text)
Email: franchise@firefighterdumpsters.com
To Reserve a Dumpster in Your Area Click Here
Our History
Firefighter Dumpsters® started out as R&R Dumpsters in Weatherford, Texas. R&R was founded by two firefighters, Battalion Chief Richard Ward (ret.) and Captain Randy Wilson. Within 18 months of opening, they had 94 dumpsters in service generating $700,000 in annual revenue. What was their secret? The community found out that R&R was run by a couple of firefighters and they delivered as promised. In 2016, Richard met Mark Lucas, an accomplished entrepreneur. Mark was greatly intrigued by their concept and thought that if the reliable service provided by R&R could be combined with the respect given to firefighters, a great business could emerge. Soon after, Richard, Randy and Mark launched Firefighter Dumpsters® as a franchise.
Our Locations
Firefighter Dumpsters of Parker and Tarrant Counties, TX
817-760-0504 (call or text)
Firefighter Dumpsters of Wise County, TX
940-489-2624 (call or text)
Firefighter Dumpsters of Hood and SW Tarrant Counties, TX
817-587-1155 (call or text)
Firefighter Dumpsters of Denton and North Tarrant Counties, TX
Firefighter Dumpsters of Roanoke, VA
540-208-2829 (call or text)
Firefighter Dumpsters of Franklin County
Firefighter Dumpsters of Miami Valley
937-770-4546 (call or text)
Franchise Partners
The theme and business model remain the same. When we say we support the firefighting community, we mean it. Firefighter Dumpsters supports local firefighters by donating a portion of every sale into a fund that distributes proceeds to area fire departments. Your franchise operation supports firefighters in your local community.
Franchise partners are fully trained to pick up and deploy dumpsters. Firefighter Dumpsters has developed a comprehensive cloud-based logistics and scheduling system designed for our franchise partners and includes an integrated credit card processing module and easy reporting into Quickbooks accounting software. Once inventory is acquired, a partner can literally be in business in less than a week!
Interest has far exceeded expectations and territories are being acquired rapidly. We have purposely created a low cost, easy entry model to help franchisee partners grow rapidly and profitably. Territories can vary depending on landfill location, dump fees and local competition. we will walk you through this process with a comprehensive checklist to help you build a successful operation.
Our goal is to grow Firefighter Dumpsters nationally with great partners providing benchmark service while help our firefighting community. If you are honest, dependable and willing to work and would like your own Firefighter Dumpsters franchise please contact us today.